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To Identify as a Llama...  2 min read Let’s Start Off With a Touch of Madness Moderate folk with political leanings to the left of the spectrum, are often morally driven people. One labour party MP said Brits can enjoy their right to identify as a hoofed mammal, I'm sure it was a Llama! However, we know the hard left, like the far right are a completely different story. Regardless of that, if we simply consider  left-wing movements such as the degrowth movement, for example, we might see a point.  'We shouldn't focus on growth!' Is the general idea, but every modern economy needs growth; people need the innovation it brings! We could marvel all day at these political contradictions, but the reality is—it’s not good for you!  What if Out-Lefting Lefties Requires a Power Left Philosophy?  Why not counter, or maybe out-nut these shenanigans with equally colourful ideas like being 'realised'. Let's imagine, for example, that even though our human or indi...

Politics is Unhealthy!

Yesterdays Tyranny: The Tragedy of the Toxic Tories

This Update Came Many Years After My Original Post-Brexit Blog

5 to 7 min read In the lead-up to Brexit, three figures stood out as harbingers of hate: David Cameron, Jeremy Kyle, and Katie Hopkins. I had concerns about Conservatives cutting services just because they believed they could further drain our healthcare and blame it on some other reason. Fair enough, it was already weakened by Browns Labour somewhat. In my town, the government closed its huge learning disabilities complex, which is now an abandoned ghost town. Lucy Baldwin day hospitalfor the elderly is decaying out of sight, and mental health care has been going incrementally. Blair's Labour made things work in a way that NHS bosses could buy in services, aiming to raise standards through competition, but the Conservatives exacerbated these issues to the breaking point. I wanted to see something done right for once. This updated blog reflects the social changes and attitudes I experienced. 'If you had a mental illness then, or couldn't work, it was easy to notice that the country was not your friend— you were an eater parasitic or some other subhuman to more fortunate people.' The Conservatives promoted negative attitudes toward people like me, and it spread. It felt like a supervillain was in power. I grew doubtful of everything political, becoming almost conspiratorial—especially after Camerons alleged pig incident.

Evil Tories cartoon

The Bigotry and Discrimination... In Parliament, topics about, but also related to benefits, and mental health, roused up disdain. It even reached our television sets with the likes of Jeremy Kyle, that right-wing talk show host with a sneering manner of accusing his guests, who was particularly egregious. He’d berate his unemployed guests, who were realistically doing him a favour by providing him business, as well as increasing his viewers and ratings, but he would call them jobless layabouts! He often ordered people to get back to work! This disdainful ignorance was generally accepted. He was influencing public opinion I thought, and the monster was sowing poisonous seeds. Kyle scalded one particilar guest for not working, reducing the severe anxiety away as nothing—it can lead to impairing distress or a visit to an emergency room! Mental health is precious, fragile. His manner of bigoted cavalier broadcasting seemed to roll back the vital work mental health warriors like time to change and mind had done to reduce stigma in our society. In the end, it became clear for all to see: a right-wing conspiracy was demonising unemployed and mentally ill people daily on our televisions. Years later, I changed my political views. So did the country I think. 'He often bragged to guests that it was his name in the title, not theirs!' Kyle’s show ultimately led to tragic outcomes, including the suicide of Stephen Dymond, a guest subjected to a lie detector test. Kyle’s absence during the investigation showed a lack of conviction. Even now, after Covid-19, Brexit, BLM protests, Trumps time in and out of the Whitehouse, the invasion of Ukraine and watching Kier Starmers Labour win the election, I still think Jeremy Kyle is a monster. Bragging about the shows title and the infallibility of lie detector tests did, somehow, warm him to other right-wing broadcasters. Sadly, a shameless channel called Talk TV employed the snarly man. Anyway, those polygraphs were always inaccurate pseudoscience and most likely the cause of many breakups. The cancellation of the program was a blessing.

Jeremy Kyle Cartoon Drawing Terrorising Guest

Moral Broadcasting...

Let’s get to the other right-wing programs that also painted biased pictures of the working classes. Programs like 'The Great British Benefits Handout' and' Benefits Street' programmed viewers into accepting more political propaganda. Cherry picking camera frames, characters, and clichĂ© examples that strengthen negative views was blatantly done, you could see their filmmakers intent while watching it. Make an example of benefit claimants from working class backgrounds to show the country 'what they're all like'. I'm talking about demonised demographics here, just like what they did with Islam.

Then again, if we are brutally honest and look back at things that came after all this rigmarole, like the Manchester Arena bombing, or that spate of Islamic attacks on innocent people across the U.K, France and Germany, as well as the beheadings, trafficking gangs, the muslim thugs who recently beat up those police in that airport, and Islamic religion climbing into British politics—maybe the Tories had a point?The list could be much longer and we never saw this sort of level from Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Irish, African, Jewish or Russian people. Remember any Pagans, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Non-Dualists or Daoists, Buddhists or Wiccans asserting themselves as much as Islam? Where's Wiccanaphobia? They're witches for goodness sake!

Moving on, Professor Marmot’s 2010 report highlighted the need for investment in less privileged areas, but such inconvenient recommendations were not championed by the Tories! Its always them and us in two different flavours, blue or red.
Politics sending a man crazy

The Government’s Moral Panic...

They promoted an agenda to bully people into work. The right-wing narrative was unstoppable, extending to their mighty media sources. When social commentators like Katie Hopkins started tarnishing benefits claimants I became less patriotic. Swinging left, until those years of angry colourful social justice warriors, pronounism and wokism. I asked myself if our politics was geared up like a WWE wrestling drama to shake up the narrative and swing fans allegiance? I did begin to wonder because its irrational. 'Class-based discrimination is ever-present and subtle.' The Labour leader and his followers, who initially appeared more morally astute, later exhibited similar toxicity to his opposition! I saw insults exchanged from hard-left internet users, who labelled me as a racist, xenophobe, and fascist as I scrutinised their politics in order to understand. The rise of antisemitism within their cherished Labour party echoed the issues seen under Tory attitudes towards Islam. My own experience on social media turned drab, filled with the same pointless arguments and relentless debates. Facebook and twitter was not a healthy place. This led to the later degradation of the UK. Political Divides I learnt that the radicals on both sides seemed to engage in a kind of identity politics game. It didn't take long to discover how perceived social standing or political beliefs are in politics. I realised the hard left and far right were always opposites, but they still engaged in their own respective forms of divisive rhetoric. Brexit was never done properly, no leverage was taken. The internet, especially platforms like Facebook and Twitter, became a battleground for these conflicting ideologies as more and more illegal people entered the country and were provided hotel living. You can see how topics like mental health, Islamaphobia, anti-semiticism, racism and poverty are all like loaded political shotguns. The media and internet played a significant role in pointing the weapon at everyone—distraction from the mess they created. I found that I was starting to distance myself from political circles despite being not very far into my exploration of politics. When covid struck Boris Johnson imposed 'hope-for-the-best' lockdown measures and questionable vaccines, which stirred everyones political passions again. That was when it dawned on me that we needed Nigel Farage to finish Brexit as he had envisioned it all along. Only Reform UK could rid us off the continuously failings of this system.
What I Discovered in the End Politics was dominated by a polarity spilling over to social media, where genuine concerns were always overshadowed by dogmatic 'political' idealists, maybe even pseudo liberal monotheists, regardless, they both hated and still do hate the right. No one in power addressed 'life improving' issues back then, and the left-wing social media are forever indulging in the control 'political correctness' brings. Posturing with virtue signalling and arguing while our house prices have been skyrocketing, hospitals crumbling, police numbers decreasing, and landlords renting properties too hazardous to live in. Politics is vile. Recognising faults people defend. It's unhealthy.

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