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How Has Gender Identity Naturally Altered Over Time?  6 to 8 min read Views on Gender and Sex...  In the eighties, some psychologists described  men as experiencing 'autogynephilia' if they were sexually aroused at the idea of being a woman. If sexual cross-gender fantasy can entice male to female transition it may reveal one psycho-sexual example for what we call gender identity. This theory differs to what the World Health Organisation advise (WHO), along with people like Judith Butler, who insist gender is a social construct based on shared beliefs. For me, such ideas are poppycock, given for starters, how beliefs can be altered! Human biology causes gender. I might be wrong, blinded by my own biases, so let's explore...  How is Gender Constructed?  We are unique sheep , and truthfully, I think men transition for various reasons. Masculine and feminine traits arise like bio-determinants. Therein exists part of a dichotomy; a bottom-up emergence of gender, roo...

The Button DC

Batman/The Flash: The Button

5 min read

The Button is a DC Rebirth graphic novel, written by Tom King. The Rebirth series follows the new 52 timeline. I recommend it, straight up. The story follows two alluring archetypes of the comicbook world, Batman and The Flash, who are investigating a strange anomaly; the smiley face Watchmen button, recovered from a wall in the Batcave! 

Batman and Flash artwork
Two detective types who dress up to fight crime. One is super-human and the other is a resourceful, well disciplined sociopath with a sense of justice. It works! I never liked tje treadmill to be honest but this version of The Flash is the best and the artwork is a belter! Time travel and alternate universes have been done many times, but doing it well is what matters. 

Batman and Flash both using the treadmill 

We always compare one superhero to another, Batman and The Flash in combat would end terribly quickly—no human human can randomly defend against such speed! On the other hand, who cares? Batman comics are much better and that is where it counts! The Flash and Batman both have fantastic suites, especially in this graphic novel. Fans often like superheroes to be muscular hard men in costumes with a mask, with beautiful females scantily clad with a whip and a bursting cleavage and short skirt. 

Batman an Flash reflections in blood

Hades and Hermes have been transcoded into modern comic book writing. The annoying thing here is that my favourite character would be extremely hard pressed and would have to prepare way in advance to stand a chance in any altercation with most meta humans, especially The Flash, Superman or Cyborg, but also Aquaman and Wonder woman. It always comes down to the smashy smashy doesn't it? Well, it shouldn't be the case because the stories are more than that these days. This is a detective story gone mad. 

Bruce Wayne recovering from significant injury

The mutual respect of both men is in their blah blah blah, shared purpose, and a bit of banter! Great. We know and expect the comradery and chemistry, which, I MUST say, is better than that dog awful flash flick where they ruined Keatons Batman. In this, both men bring their own investigative skillset to the story: a rush of comic book enthusiasts ordered this the very micro-second it was officially released purely and only, one hundred percent to see the blue Manhattan chap and the unfolding of the Doomsday Clock story. Ha! It was just a teaser! The watchmen never appeared and everyone was like: 

'Well, 'I'm sure they said we'd see the watchmen crossover, ah well. . . it was a cool run, yeah a really cool run!' 

'But it was a crossover! It featured the badge, that pin, that the comedian wore and we made a few other references, but it was really a Flash and Batman crossover: Bat-bloke Brucie and his speedy mate, Baz. Sorry.' 

'Oh. . . alright then.' 



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