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To Identify as a Llama...  2 min read Let’s Start Off With a Touch of Madness Moderate folk with political leanings to the left of the spectrum, are often morally driven people. One labour party MP said Brits can enjoy their right to identify as a hoofed mammal, I'm sure it was a Llama! However, we know the hard left, like the far right are a completely different story. Regardless of that, if we simply consider  left-wing movements such as the degrowth movement, for example, we might see a point.  'We shouldn't focus on growth!' Is the general idea, but every modern economy needs growth; people need the innovation it brings! We could marvel all day at these political contradictions, but the reality is—it’s not good for you!  What if Out-Lefting Lefties Requires a Power Left Philosophy?  Why not counter, or maybe out-nut these shenanigans with equally colourful ideas like being 'realised'. Let's imagine, for example, that even though our human or indi...

Are Atheists More Analytical Than Theists?

Is it Wrong to Say We Are Smarter Than Our Religious Brethren?

Doubting and Thinking

7 to 9 min read  

An analytical atheist could be quite a compelling character. This modern archetype often standing as the Contrarian to traditional faith. I'm always shamefully plugging my other blogs. Anyway, according to recent studies, if you believe in god, you're more likely to score 5-6 points lower on an IQ test than non believers!

One study specifically looked at the connection between atheism and IQ, and it was published in the journal Intelligence in 2013. It analysed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which included over 20,000 participants. Individuals who identified as atheists or agnostics had higher verbal intelligence scores than those who identified as religious. Mental, right? Why? Well, read on...

So, we humans all use our verbal reasoning to conceptualise words for problem solving and reasoning. However, non-believers and believers alike had very similar non-verbal intelligence scores (Nyborg, 2013). Non-verbal intelligence is that ability to address visual, wordless issues.

Jesus on an elephant

Tests and Results

Yes it's often said, (most likely consolidatory) that IQ tests are only an estimation of intelligence; an assessment of how candidates perform at taking that actual test. Duh, yeah! It's just like how a beep or push-up tests estimate fitness by assessing those particular physical activities. Intelligence has more dimensions to it than fitness does, it is very nuanced.

So, shouldn't we label atheists as presumptuous whenever they say they're generally smarter than believers? Comparatively, if football players say their fitness is higher than non football players, are they right? If trends show between the two groups significant show a result it appears as if you have a fair evidence based argument! But do you?

So yes, okay, IQ tests only represent specific aspects of our intelligence, namely: mathematics, language, problem solving and recognising patterns. Our philosophical potential, on the other hand, that sneaky machiavellianism, and common sense, as well as athletic intelligence and that vital emotional intelligence (more accurate for success in life) are not included. 

Mensa target specific areas: art, design and social communication do not come under the focus of IQ testing. They can't be assessed on a paper. We know that police fitness tests don't typically measure paper work or issuing cautions, but yet, aren't they still classed as part of policing? Excuse the poor example, I am only trying to raise a simple point — tests are quiet limited.

In 2010, a meta-analysis was published in the journal: Personality and Social Psychology Review, which analysed data from 63 studies conducted over 80 years and noticed a slightly statistically significant negative correlation between religiosity and intelligence (Zuckerman et al, 2010).

This negative correlation simply means, 'more' having a downward connection with 'less,' for example: the more you eat, the less hunger you have. This correlation generally showed: the more religious one might be, the less IQ points they usually score! Does this portray an absence of intelligence or a non-use of critical thinking? Research implies that if the religiously leaning suddenly began to doubt, and critically assess instead of readily believing, they would develop an analytical attitude, which would sow seeds of logic and reason.

Far enough, but are we consigning the faithful in the dunce's corner now? Of course not! Authors clarified that religiosity and intelligence is a complex relationship explained by numerous factors, including that one negative correlation! Higher IQ sits with those who’re naturally inclined to critical thought and analysis. Curious minds will see patterns, doubt figures and question theological challenges in theism. They may find little satisfaction given how insufficient explanations equate to nothing.

A church or cathederal

Another study was published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science in 2017. Believe it or not, but this one reckons that religious folks are more likely to take-up conspiracy theories than atheists are! It also says believers are less likely to engage in analytical thinking when compared to non-believers (Gervais & Norenzayan, 2017). Dont forget, these are general findings and does not imply every religious person.

The thing is, not all conspiracy theories are off-the-wall codswallop are they? Take Russian interference with the 2016 election or Cambridge Analytica, for example. The Covid 19 leak is now considered to be real! In the eighties or nineties a journalist called Gary Webb, was branded a conspiracy nut, but when he uncovered a CIA drug trafficking conspiracy he was vindicated! Such accusations are not helpful.

Going on these studies, you could be forgiven for asking: 'Does this suggest atheists have bigger brains?' it makes sense, since bigger brains have always been associated with being smart. Pietschnig et al (2022), found previous studies are fuzzy as to what degree brain size reflects IQ score. It must be said, brain size as in cerebral memory development from knowledge acquisition, is not the same as the raw cognitive application of intelligence.

Meta-analysis of 86 studies with over 26,000 people discovered this connection was nothing to write home about. The areas of correlation between brain size and IQ score have reduced over time, not because of our brains changing, but because of uncertainty around the data recorded in previous studies and the ongoing understanding and definitions surrounding intelligence.

Rest assured, the claims in these studies cited above have all been criticised. Critics have argued that these studies may have been subject to selection bias. On the other hand, the same critics often fail to explore critical thinkers who are, in fact, also religious. Only one faith was mentioned above all others in the studies (Christianity) with some allusion to other Abrahamic religions. Sadly, the studies left out eastern religion such as Vedanta, Daoism or Zen for example. It fails to represent polytheism, be it modern reconstructed or Hindu. All religions and cultures hold their unique perspectives and concepts meaning the data is biased in its sampling.

It is vitally important to question if the relationship between one's faith and their intelligence is decreed by intelligence. Do you think an IQ test certificate can prove an atheist is smarter than you or your fellow religious peers? I believe IQ has little to do with a person's attraction to a faith. 

Cartoon of Moses and his commandments


Gervais, W. M., & Norenzayan, A. (2017). Analytic thinking promotes religious disbelief. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(7), 742-749.

Nyborg, H. (2013). The intelligence–religiosity nexus: A representative study of white adolescent Americans. Intelligence, 41(6), 678-689.

Pietschnig, J. Gerdesmann, D. Zeile, M. Voracek, M. (2022) Of differing methods, disputed estimates and discordant interpretations: the meta-analytical multiverse of brain volume and IQ associations [Online] Available from:

Zuckerman, M., Silberman, J., & Hall, J. A. (2010). The relation between intelligence and religiosity: A meta-analysis and some proposed explanations. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14(4), 353-374.

Zuckerman, M. Li, C. Lin, S. & Hall, J. A. (2020). The negative intelligence–religiosity relation: New and confirming evidence. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(6), 856–868.


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