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Censorship Is B*****ks Old News is Fake News: Is that Misinformation? 3 min read It's For Your Own Good!  Let’s just jump right in! Have you seen how the political class keep getting all up in arms about disinformation? This whole charade kicked off after Brexit. We all know Trumps 'Fake news' catch phrase, but since then, anti-disinformation rhetoric has been flying in from all angles like a full-blown circus! They’re trying to sell us this half baked notion that we need the internet controlled or even monitored. They call it 'protecting democracy' but nothing says freedom like censorship! The Catch 22 Across the globe, (this isn't just the UK but everywhere) a string of high-profile gatherings sprouted up with aims of tackling internet disinformation: think fancy conferences with celebrities, former presidents and senators all evangelizing social media type conspiracy theories . They’re still out there preaching the urgency of combatting poor use of t...

What's a Trollop?

The Trollop: Helly Sourham!

4 to 5 min read

The term 'trollop' is a derogatory name, but seriously, loads of generations have used this word as a humorous expression, admittedly, it is of disapproval, pointing at bad conduct. The opposite of Joan of Arc. Definitely, the word does conjure up a negative vibe. However, it also serves to encapsulate my semi fictionalised cartoon character, who, in fact, actually meets the criteria of the word! Try and guess her Jungian archetype, I'll add it at the end. 

Smutty cartoon mother saying crude things

The word 'trollop' originated from the word 'troll,' a fourteenth-century French term used to describe a slovenly woman, wandering off in the quest for game. Helly Sourham, did precisely that, cheating on Steven, her husband of twelve years. Throughout the ages 'trollop' evolved and now it generally means a messy tart. A very compelling character to any tv show or drama. 

Instead of discussing this woman's offensive character, my persistent woke friend, Emmaline, is ceaselessly reiterating her idea that the use of an unkind name like 'trollop' is unnecessary; it kindles unwanted attitudes, she said. Emmaline is quite well-spoken, a tad posh, and delivers her point with class. Using kind words is inclusive. She reckons promoting positivity renders a much more pleasant society. I told her that even the word 'slattern' was interchangeable with 'trollop,' then she scowled at me. It also describes someone who is untidy or slovenly in appearance or habits. These words are objective, from other people. 

The biblical Jezebel

We could, you and I, dear reader, entertain Emmaline's well-meaning fluff and argue: yes, we can all acknowledge derogatory language might boost an unfavorable belief toward certain women. We could promote constructive and sensitive dialogue, but surely, not all the time? No! How can our politeness and inclusivity correct bad behaviour? In Helly's mind, she enjoys watching Hollyoaks, especially those compelling characers like Sienna Blake or Claire Devine who get what they want by playing people. She likes the powerful smart characters.

Cartoon mother speaking about crude inappropriate subjects

Human morality evolved in natural communities, evidently countless people will have necessarily experienced disgrace, guilt or shame for their own societal wrongdoings. Guilt, shame and dishonour does contrast with the opposite: immortality, and so people incentivise behavioural modification by being harsh. If our social principles involve rewarding selfish individuals with inclusivity and kindness, you'll inherit a narcissistic world. Is that happening? 

The same cartoon female scorned for being corrected

Tarnishing someones reputation is a tried and tested historical intervention, like calling them sinner or criminal, low-life or riff-raff. It doesn't sit well with everyone. 

By definition, Helly Sourham might be a trollop, from a social perspective because she allow's her little ones to play in her poo ridden garden, instead of picking it up. She blames her family for her behaviour; sadly putting demands on her husband, and her mother to mind her little ones, capitalising on school breakfast mornings, and after school clubs, notching up their days with ten hours in school. Her children's reading problems, and she doesn't consider their hatred of the institution, who should sort her out?

Swaggering cartoon woman trying to be alluring

Even as Steven works long hours, she makes deliberate plans to see other men without him knowing. Her unsupervised children salvaged sweets from across the filthy house where her dogs (with electric collars) defecate and run-in garden dirt! To be fair, the children are mostly nourished by takeaway. It's fine, she says, life is a grain of sand, nothing matters, take what you want you are the self serving master. 

After boasting to her younger sister about having unprotected sex numerous times with a stranger, she detailed doing the same in the marital bed, with her husband, after returning home the same morning—the strangers bodily fluid was still present. This modern expression of  a 'trollop' knew better, after studying sexual health and contraception. It was her choice, her gamble, her game. 

A specimen pot showing a specimen
The Western World has taken a lot from Judeo-Christian history and culture, including the archetypes of The Whore of Babylon and The Virgin Mary. Even today, the whore and the virgin can serve as a spectrum or a dichotomy on which society often makes subconscious comparisons regarding women and sex. It is harsh and unfair. Where is the man trollop? It's a word against women. 

Medieval art depicting old moral virtue

The sexual revolution of the sixties and seventies brought liberation. Normalising the pill was a victory and the vindication of masterbation, sex before marriage, and pornography all rightly challenged patriarchal religion across the Western World. In modern years, people in Chicago and Germany went on so called, 'slut walks' to promote women's rights to dress how they like without male discrimination, and I agree 100%. 

The sexual liberation of women via protest

Helly Sourham, on the other hand, has little respect for people. Badgering her husband to buy her breast implants and a tummy tuck after cheating on him is not in the same spirit as the slut walk! The new surgery body was planned for her holiday to Ibiza of which, Steven never visited. He is sadly thought of as a Simp and she limits expenditure on her children but will lavish herself. Perhaps this woman needs to feel happy, or content. Maybe she knows what is pervieved as immoral in this world and defies it so she can cope? 

Helly Sourham has also disrespected herself not only by recklessly avoiding contraception, but also with fad dieting, suffering for her physical appearence at the expense of her loved ones! Surgery and diet pills, don't help. The sexual liberation of the sixties and seventies, meant freedom, it didn't advocate todays bondage of self-criticism!

Cartoon woman with victim mentality

Agreed, it might be tempting to label Helly as a free-spirited, sexually liberated woman, we can be ignorant of her infidelity, hedonism and toxicity toward her family. Yes, ignorant. Therefore, seeing her as a 'trollop' seems quite forgivable. 

Then again, through the lens of Jungs archetypes this woman is cunning, and she can read the room. She's smart enough to hold a job, to pay her bills and do tasks like prepare her clothes daily to meet employer requirements, but also she excels at deception! The woman learnt to drive well, and she will take her childen to school facing any car journey. People will listen to her advice, because despite of her buggerishness, she is insightful of others, calculating and sensitive behind the mask she wears. The woman is another manifestation of the Trickster, like we see with the Contrarian, Jester, Deceiver, Boundary-Breaker or Fool. 


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