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Are All Psychopaths Are Monsters?  6 min read When you hear the word "psychopath," you probably picture Jack The Ripper , Ted Bundy or Anthony Hopkins doing his famous fava beans scene. But what if I told you that psychopathy doesn’t always fit that image? In fact, high-functioning psychopaths are all around us—teaching in classrooms, running companies, leading congregations, and even playing heroes on screen or being heroes on the battlefield. More often than not these individuals exhibit traits like charm, fearlessness, and emotional detachment, which make them uniquely suited for leadership. When people with psychopathic traits are diagnosed it's usually with anti-social personality disorder because it covers most socio and psychopathic behaviours. But still, the question is, why do we trust them so easily? The Charm of High-Functioning Psychopaths Psychopathy exists on a spectrum . At one end, you’ve got violent offenders. At the other, you’ve got individuals who can ...

An Alternative Resurrection

The Resurrection Story We Never Mention! 

Cartoon of disciples stealing Jesuses body

5 to 7 min read 

What is more plausible, an executed religious leader who fronted a growing movement, abruptly raised from the dead? Or a group of his followers hiding his body to claim the same thing? 

This topic resonates with me because of the dissonance I've seen from my entrenched family members, and the fact that I go obsessed with religion especially after I've had experienced something mystical. People throw all common sense out of the window just to believe biblical narrative or fixate on it, when the true history could be somewhat different. Thick books with stained glass windows on the covers, exist, sitting on the bookshelves of gray haired men discussing such pointless topics, issues that can never be resolved. The Empty Tomb: Was Jesus Resurrected? Well, uh, no. Obviously not! Don't be silly! However, the impossibility of it is never sufficient in breaking the paranormal premises disguised as some variant of academia. I advise leaning on the laws of nature, likely historical practices and medical science, but people are people. 

'No this is nonesense! It says in all four of the gospels that Jesus rose from the dead!' 

'Of course it does, early Christians compiled these stories didn't they?' 

'Those disciples went from being afraid to hiding. Why would they suddenly proclaim the resurrection? No, no sorry, it's unlikely these followers would endured hardship for something they knew to be false!' 

'Did early Christians write that? Of course they did, listen, in reality, people charged with committing sedition against Rome would have been left on the cross as an example, those followers of his had good motive to retrieve the body,' 

'Yeah but still, the fact remains, why risk death for something you know to be untrue?' 

'The movement was only important if the teacher was resurrected somehow, but such resurrection stories were common then anyway and easily circulated. They had the means, motive and opportunity to swipe the body—the corpse was on display,' 

'The followers knew he was Gods son!' 

'That epithet came well after his death, so no, sorry.' 

'Oh for goodness sake, look. . . there was a Roman guarding the bloody tomb, and we know the tomb was sodding empty! Witnesses existed!' 

'Is that a bible source again? Terrible, why would a Roman guard an empty tomb? Nevermind!'

A little backstory: A man was impressing everyone around him, garnered a huge reputation, rumours exist of him being the annointed one are spreading, like a prophet, mysterious and charming. With his apostles, they will change the oppression of the land, a country for the divine. Captured, mocked, humiliated, ridiculed, tortured and crucified as an example. The entirety of his message is over. Killed. Disbelief, shock. I'm just saying, his closest circle swiped the body, continued the myth, grew the faith, established a footing. 

This does challenge the heart of Christianity, but so what? Things have to be challenged, it's how we uncover the truth. Indeed, we can say Jesus was resurrected as a concept, and idea, religious or spiritual ethos of their collective which evolved into the church. But, it must be said, his remains didn't get up and walk off! This is not walking dead. Don't you agree? 

Its more plausible that the body was stolen resurrected. The movement was crushed and the crucifixion was a major blow, the body had to go. They had means, motive and access. Christian sources are biased toward the christian narrative. 


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