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A Combat Blog Post based on the VSBattle Tiering System. Joe Rogan vs. Doctor Cornelius Evazan & Ponda Baba: Fight Breakdown 8 min read The VSBattle Tier System catalogues characters from all areas of fact and fiction from everyday people to beings considered to be god level, as well as cartoon, stop motion to puppet based characters like Popeye or the recent Youtube kids horror characters , for example. The stats and data enable people to eestablish the most powerful and the highest ranked fighters. Click here to read about transitional characters and how fictional  archetypes mirror and even shape us as people. The Setting:  The fight takes place in Keanes Saloon in Red Dead Redemption 2, quickly losing custom save for the several shady patrons necking liquor as they watched a bug guy and an angry pigman at the bar. There was no chatter in the air, no mirth, just uneasy fingers on triggers. Out of the blue, another stranger strolled in. Dressed like a man from the w...

Grey Alien Archetype

The Mind Link: A Vivid Encounter with an Extraterrestrial

Pencil sketch of an alien

7 to 9 min read

The Incident...

One evening, while drying off from my shower, I experienced something extraordinary. Could've worded that better, I know, but it was a vivid mental connection, a mind link, not my underwhelming chipolata. I supposed the extraterrestrial being was in its ship orbiting the planet. Yeah, totally fucking mental, right? The encounter was so intense, so real, that it has since left a mark on my psyche. Run with it. 

In a sudden overwhelming moment, I was in a strong visual memory, which presented as if it was streamed live. A strange face and it's dark surroundings, cluttered with black and transparent plastic tubing, wires, and the luminosity of screen glare and diodes. Large humanesque eyes with pupils like an ibex fixated on me; their sharpness invaded my mind, directing my attention to the one eye. A stirring of fear and marvel was dizzying as I held firm to take in as much as I could, curiosity initially plsnted me there. Soon, I would feel insignificant. I was, I sensed causing his disgust, his cold, calculating observation revealed thoughts. 

I think I know what the crack was here! Prior to this, my mental state was charged, buzzing, firing neurons, imagination was racing. I was a tad elated, because I was in awe after watching a tv show. Spitfires, machine guns, stimulated my imagination, empathising with the astonishing World War II pilot who fought dogfights above Britain. I suspected my state of mind must have somehow aligned into that higher frequency of observation. Honestly, at the time, I believed it was a connection or some bollocks. This was no mere hallucination, I thought, it was beyond me, though absent from my temporal spatial location. Yeah, it was quite realistic to be fair, but that's how your imagination works. 

Questioning yourself...

After the experience, I turned to the internet, desperate to understand what had happened like a pilchard. It was confusing, I can forgive myself. Wikipedia had a cracking article on Greys, the stereotypical alien species often depicted in popular culture. The face I saw held some resemblance to them. However, the entity I experienced was mentally dominant and war-like. It's black almond eye-caps were torn off. Damaged grey synthetic rubber coverings surrounded its exposed chalk-coloured wrinkled skin. This was not a small, humanoid figure but a tall, ancient powerful creature, similar to us hiding behind unnatural materials. I decided I should draw what I experienced, pencil sketching came first. I updated it, quite proud of the thing. 

Computer drawing of my alien archetype
Damage around eye-hole

The encounter left me somewhat obsessed. It was bizarre, a mind link from orbit, wow! However, being a realist, I had to poke it and question the ordeal. In another of my own blogposts on archetypes, here, I remembered exploring how such forms emerge in society. 

A little reflection...

Who is giving rise to whom? The SciFi culture of the 1930s and 40s undoubtedly sparked our collective consciousness into thinking, awakening our fears, planting that cold, intelligent extraterrestrial into our imagination. As alien beings took form, developing in our books and film it acquired familiarity and now the typical grey space invader has our own homonid form. Nonetheless, it remains a soulless, logical observer from the dark void of space, not an angel, a demon, nor is it a monster, but maybe an amalgamation of all three!

The grey alien is an emergence of our existential anxieties peering into our possible future—will we become emotionless, purposeless super-minds? Will future Elon Musks' amplify our grey matter while our hearts wither away? What path is humanity on? 

Alien like stone head

Making the monster...

Old television shows like 'Ancient Aliens' used to appropriate any ancient artifact with large or almond-shaped eyes as proof of alien contact. I enjoyed my thoughts of war pilots before engaging in a war-like extraterrestrial, who was hostile. My vivid imagination empowered this archetype. It was all like a mental ideomotor effect, the puppetry of my own representation with strings pulled by the weight of Roswell, Betty and Barney Hill, Travis Walton, so called government cover ups, YouTube sightings, the Dudley Dorito, UFO communities, abductee accounts, the general media and hollywood, it has become a social manifestation. 

The mind is powerful, creating rich concepts and vivid archetypal characters. These archetypes are fed years of stories eventually becoming lore. For me, I fear humanity is becoming those soulless super-genius creatures. We become that when we become too synthetic, plastic and unnatural—when we sell our souls and lose our nature. What if such desperate brainiacs have to visit these times, from the future in hope of finding a solution to their failures? It resonates with our species today. This is environmental anxiety and extreme capitalism personified, a grim prospect of us as grey and alien. As we continue to experience and share these myths, they become increasingly real. Perhaps we should consider them as lessons from the higher aspects of our spiritual awareness? 

Alien hybrid

At the end of the day...

Experiencing your own representation of an archetype can be unsettling, but also insightful. They are our brain-derived children, interconnected creations nurtured globally in the collective consciousness. Our potent contemporary mythologies are impressive. They are channels of human belief forged into legitimate thought forms, personifications of our nightmares, dreams, or hopes. It is almost theological. Perhaps it is? Is this modern theology?

Another alien
With eye-cap in situ


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