Compelling Characters Woke Communist West

Archetypal Master Manipulator: Dark Lord of the Sith, Russian Master of Puppets — The Overlord



What D'ya Mean, Woke Communist West? 

In 2010 or 2011, I joined a group on Facebook called something along the lines of 'Truth Seekers,' just to be nosey. It was like an echo chamber churning around the same principles of being enlightened or awake. This was the first time I heard the term 'woke.' Twats everywhere. Most of the members were clearly proud of their perceived 'woke' status! Non-woke individuals outside the group were 'sheep,' asleep, or chewing grass. Strange isn't it? 

The West was regarded as being lower than a hobbits nutsack. Putin, for reasons lost on me, was their good guy! This 'Truth' group was heavily saturated with social justice, anti-UK and anti-US sentiment, especially with capitalism, branding us all, as usual, 'racist' or even fascist, yawn! The questions I want answered are: a) was this group a one off? b) Had some kind of information warfare really originated from Russia? 

Knowing the level of fuck-wittery and delusion in the group I was unsure. These plens went on about the next generation, called 'indigo children'; special rainbow kids that now sound more familiar to me now that I write this. They held beliefs of other pseudo-occult waffle, but sadly, I took little notice — you would though. 'Woke' was a new term for me. It's sodding everywhere now, lived by, as some holy code by the mince meat minds of young, rainbow-clad, social justice warriors. 

In 2016, shock-horror! Russia was accused of interfering in the American election. But in October 2024, our own, genius of a politician Sofia Patel, head of operations at the Labour Party, posted an absolute incontinence pad of a post on social media, declaring she had nearly one hundred staff heading to the States. The woman appealed for more of her colleagues to go, and even offered to pay for housing! 

A post showing Labour planned to interfere with the US election

I've made it sound like I'm fear-mongering or pushing one out, but honestly, I'm only sharing a wacky rainbow anecdote and a touch of speculation. I write character themed blogs. Take it or leave it, Putin is a great example of Carl Jungs archetype for the Shadow, as the embodiment of the master manipulator. My favourite incarnation of this archetype in movies is the well-meaning Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the Star Wars franchise, also known as Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith. His cunning plans were second to none, mostly because he seemed so trustworthy! My other compelling characters are oompa loompa's and Indigo children. 

Subtle signs of Palpatines/Darth Starmers policy-making and martial interventions appear as the stories unfold: Jedi/UK Police are suddenly expected to take a warrior's/two tier position, dropping their default peace-keeper role. We see the republic clone troopers replaced by storm troopers/ LGBT officers walking around civilian populations. Palpatine/Darth Starmer became the Galactic Emperor/Prime Minister after spreading anti-Jedi/ anti-rightwing sentiment. The Empire/Darth Starmer persecuted the Jedi/Police. 

The UN Agenda 2030

In 2015, The United Nations started an agenda planned for 2030. Their agenda encompasses 17 individual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all of which claim to tackle global challenges. Let's cast a little doubt on a few of these well-meaning Social Development Goals (SDGs). Try not to think about a master manipulator when you read then. 

(SDG 16): Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

The concept of 'human rights for all' includes some quite diverse interpretations, which, let's be honest, could be quite damaging. For instance, do these rights extend to being granted permission to stay in the country where you spread radical hate speech? Will we see new rights for illegal unprocessed economic immigrants? How will the right to have abortions be monitored? For example, how often could a woman have an abortion? Would there be a limit? We sacrifice freedoms for peace and security. Authoritarians usually prescribe war or justice quicker than they support the poor and vulnerable. 

LGBTQ+ beliefs on gender, sex and identity create controversy across various cultures and religions. If ever western secularism did nudge Abrahamic traditions into ordaining same sex marriages, please, explain how it's not stirring up trouble? History tells us that Russia has been using disinformation across the US since at least Ronald Reagan's time in office; remember the lies around aids? It reminds me of Chancellor Palpatine using double-speak in the republic senate. 'We must work together to preserve peace and stability' he said, meaning the destruction of his enemies. 

The real world watched a Marxist BLM organisation protest globally after George Floyd's death, well, except for Russia, which didn't take part! The cold war was fought long and hard, and I very much doubt it ended, given the nuclear deterrent of open combat. To see so many 'woke' Putin admirers in a simple Facebook group compounded a strong message. Communism is lurking around all over the place. 

Police State Cartoon

(SDG 5): Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls. 

I mean, come on! Another ticking time bomb just waiting to go off! Who saw the need to plant this? Absolutely, we can scrutinise gender pay gaps but adding gender laws when society is still ironing out the wrinkles and creases in the transgender debate is pure shit-stirring. 

When employers are burdened by targets for hiring women or providing gender statistics, I doubt there’ll be a box for trans women to tick, and even if there was, it wouldn't be widely accepted. What is a woman? 

Does any of this empower school girls when they're forced to share changing rooms with women who’re packing a male organ? You might think all this madness is political inertia, but we rarely call it clever social engineering do we? Who really is chewing grass here? 

Propaganda Cartoon: a drawing of buttoned-up lips, loose lips is a hate crime

(SDG 15): Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification, and halt biodiversity loss.

When governments impose their strict rules on land use, companies and the public all face burdens — why should farmers be restricted from farming their own land just because an endangered species lives on it? Why should small businesses bear the brunt of these policies? Yes, we want to protect the planet, but we shouldn't have to take a nasty hit to the pocket and lose our voice! Not much is clearly set out and explained. Vagueness is ominous, a tool for the Overlord or the Palpatine type. 

(SDG 10): Reduce Inequalities

Ideologues who introduce rules to reduce inequality often make things worse! Providing equal opportunities for everyone is different from insisting certain people in specific areas should be hired to meet particular employment quotas.

Cartoon man insists he is not far right, just bald.

(SDG 7): Ensure access to clean energy for all

Yes, we've all heard this one before! A transition to electric cars has also involved some stringent government involvement, but look at the stupidity of pushing these vehicles! 

Checkout the battery production pollution for electric cars! They're even reliant on fossil fuel-generated electricity! It's about as green as Clifford, the big red dog! Mining for lithium and cobalt degrades our environment way more than conventional cars do! The energy source used to charge them will skyrocket greenhouse gas emissions! 

Surely, those in charge would have known that demand for electric cars would have known all of this? It's a new direction in manufacturing, given they're supposed to replace regular motor vehicles. Of course, car companies would have been fully up to speed on costing. Sadly, it will disproportionately hurt lower-income homes and communities. Putting personal transportation on a higher financial shelf might have a few ecological benefits: owning a car may well become a luxury for the privileged houses in the street. 

Potential UN Control in Western Nations

The 2030 Agenda could lead to UN influence on Western Countries:

UN unified regulations dictating energy and human rights law is imposing on a countries sense of sovereignty, reducing decision-making. It's like how the Galactic Empire politically subdued the planet Alderaan. The UK left the EU for the same reasons concerning sovereignty, however, I don't know if the UN is as strict as the EU was pre 2016, is it common knowledge? Global resource redistribution under UN goals could bring serious change. Tax policies that hope to reduce inequality might end up causing financial burdens: there's potential for fostering dependency, which is unfair.

The extra costing for environmentally savvy parts and materials in new products will make them more expensive. It will hit the working class the most, and adding insult to injury. Global migration agreements would indubitably piss off most countries that voted for increased border control! We could go on at great length here, but, the goals sound good, don't they? The Ministry of Defense sounds better than the Ministry of War.

Police cartoon: officers warn a grandma about watching someone typing on facebook

Final Thoughts

While the UK’s alignment with the UN Agenda 2030 and the SDGs could allegedly promote social justice, equality, and all that do-gooder tish tosh, there are legitimate concerns to be had! Much should have been taken on board before anyone started to implement this stuff, but that's humanity in the high places fighting for power and lording over its territories. 
