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Are All Psychopaths Are Monsters?  6 min read When you hear the word "psychopath," you probably picture Jack The Ripper , Ted Bundy or Anthony Hopkins doing his famous fava beans scene. But what if I told you that psychopathy doesn’t always fit that image? In fact, high-functioning psychopaths are all around us—teaching in classrooms, running companies, leading congregations, and even playing heroes on screen or being heroes on the battlefield. More often than not these individuals exhibit traits like charm, fearlessness, and emotional detachment, which make them uniquely suited for leadership. When people with psychopathic traits are diagnosed it's usually with anti-social personality disorder because it covers most socio and psychopathic behaviours. But still, the question is, why do we trust them so easily? The Charm of High-Functioning Psychopaths Psychopathy exists on a spectrum . At one end, you’ve got violent offenders. At the other, you’ve got individuals who can ...

Is Disinformation Leverage?

Censorship Is B*****ks

Silly cartoon face

Old News is Fake News: Is that Misinformation?

3 min read

It's For Your Own Good! 

Let’s just jump right in! Have you seen how the political class keep getting all up in arms about disinformation? This whole charade kicked-off after Brexit. We all know Trumps 'Fake news' catch phrase, but since then, anti-disinformation rhetoric has been flying in from all angles like a full-blown circus from Democrats! They’re trying to sell us this half baked notion that we need the internet controlled or even monitored for our own good. They call it 'protecting democracy' but nothing says freedom like censorship! 

The Catch 22

Across the globe, (this isn't just the UK but everywhere) a string of high-profile gatherings sprouted up with aims of tackling internet disinformation: think fancy conferences with celebrities, former presidents and senators all evangelizing social media type conspiracy theories. People like Trump, Farage push for transparency, but enemies of free speech are still out there preaching the urgency of combatting poor use of typage, when in fact, they're actually missing something: the more control they take, the more they erode the very democracy they claim to defend! Forewarning: This is the main theme of the post! 

Let’s have a laugh, shall we? You can cut the irony with a knife (An iron knife would be profound irony!). Look at these gatherings and discussions everywhere, you’ve got mini Trumps and Trumpets, who’ve peddled their own share of dodgy information themselves and now, they're playing the bastions of virtue? People turn and sometimes it can be like the fox guarding the coup! It's as we see here in the UK; our prime minister, the self-styled moral compass is ravenous for chicken chow mein! We have to protect our chickens—strange sentence, I know!

That Damn 'Conspiracy Theory' Card! 

And what about the age-old truth? Disinformation isn’t new, is it? Since the alphabet was first scratched into clay, power and authority have strutted around with the same reckless, genital-swinging swagger as a teen who’s just popped his cherry, because this is how they screw us all! They simply took control of the story. They need to stop calling people 'conspiracy theorists' for simply doubting them! It's transparent! Don’t they believe the Covid lab-leak theory? Congrats, they've earned their entry level tin foil hat! 

Watch How The Media Report! 

The media moguls are in on this too, weaving their news stories tighter than the Kardashian's cosmetic surgeons booking list. So who will decide what’s true? Spoiler alert: not you! After George Floyd was horribly killed by 'American Cops' Marxism led BLM marches worldwide. Some committed vandalism, others merely chanted but pretty much everyone was called racist, even our royalty and the country itself. So, who controlled that narrative? The left. 

The Take Away

As we watch the motion towards other people regulating all our information, remember this: we should realise the nature of the power play here and not just bend over to their demands. I hope others'll wear the armour of rightiousness and charge at them—I love martyrs. 

In the end, we’re left with an iconic comic book slogan—who’s watching the watchers? Well, I guess that would be watcher watchmen, but hey ho. It really is high time to think critically about their junk being so gracefully imparted upon us. They'll sit on your forehead and call it a nasal helmet. Be skeptical and appreciate how great things are without their bollocks covering your vision!


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